Year 12 Maths Test – 14 June 2020

Details about the test

  • The test paper will become available to download from this website at 7.00pm on Sunday the 14th of June 2020.

  • Students can download the paper and start the test immediately. Printing the paper is not necessary.

  • Duration of the test: 1 hour and 15 minutes.

  • Students should write the answers on their notebook or writing papers.

  • Students should not refer to any notes, books or online resources to answer the questions.

  • Within 15 minutes from the end of the test, students should take photos of the papers on which they wrote their answers and attach them to their Microsoft OneNote Notebook. If, for any reason, more time is required to attach the photos to OneNote, that would be fine, so long as a parent sends me a text regarding that.

  • Someone at home should supervise the student so that it can be treated as a proper test.

  • There is no fee for this test.

Test Topics

  1. Binomial Distribution (Probability)

  2. Hypothesis Test using Binomial Distribution (This will be covered in Lesson 8 before the test)

  3. Vectors

  4. Integration

  5. Forces and Newton’s Laws

    • Forces in Equilibrium

    • Forces and Motion including connected objects

Most of these are topics that I covered in the online lessons during the lockdown.