Online Lesson 4 – Year 10 Maths

Sessions to clear doubts

Thursdays 7.00pm to 8.00pm
Saturdays 10.00am to 11.00am
Please feel free to call me on my phone or email your doubts to [email protected] .

What is covered in this lesson?

  1. Video 1: Probability Tree Diagrams – Homework Questions Explained
  2. Video 2: Cumulative Frequency Graphs – Theory and Exercise
  3. Homework

In Online Lesson 3, I went through some of the homework questions in the worksheet, “Mixed Exercise 4”. I am not going through that worksheet in this Online Lesson 4. I will go through the remaining questions in that worksheet in the next lesson(s).

Video 1: Probability Tree Diagrams – Homework Questions Explained


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Video 2: Cumulative Frequency Graphs – Theory and Exercise


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The following homework should be submitted by Sunday the 7th of June 2020 through Microsoft OneNote. I have already send these worksheets by post.

  1. Worksheet, “Cumulative Frequency Graph”/All the questions

  2. Worksheet, “Mixed Exercise 4″/Questions 12 to 15