Online Lessons for Year 10

Since this is an important temporary shift to the way I conduct lessons, I have provided a Tamil version of the following information for parents who would like to read this in Tamil. Unfortunately, I am not fluent in any other languages and so I am sorry to say that I am unable to provide this information in other languages. Click here for a Tamil translation.

இது எனது வகுப்புகளில் ஒரு தற்காலிகமான, ஆனால் பாரிய மாற்றம் என்பதால், தமிழில் இதனை வாசிக்க விரும்பும் பெற்றோருக்காகக் கீழே ஆங்கிலத்தில் தரப்பட்டுள்ள தகவலின் தமிழ் மொழிபெயர்ப்பையும் பிரசுரித்துள்ளேன். அந்த தமிழ் மொழி பெயர்ப்பை வாசிக்க இங்கே அழுத்துங்கள்.

Please send me a text, if you would like to join your child to my online lessons. Before that, please read all the information given below. Once I receive your replies, for those who like to join these lessons, I will set up login accounts and email you the login names and passwords. Only those who have the login details will be able to watch the online lessons. I will keep the first online lesson open so that everyone can watch. You may watch the first lesson and after that you may let me know whether you like to join. I will send a text once the first online lesson is ready within the next few days.

Before the corona virus lockdown, we used to have a one hour lesson per subject each week.

How will I teach online?

  • In the new online system, every week, I will record a video lesson of myself teaching for a duration of one hour or more and upload the video on my website.
  • These weekly video lessons will cover theory and worksheet/revision sheet questions.
  • Each video will be available only for 3 days in the website. This is to ensure that students will not postpone watching the weekly lesson videos indefinitely.
  • I will send by post the worksheets, revision sheets and, if required, any notes, well ahead of the lessons.

Homework and Tests

Students should complete the homework for each week and submit within a week using an online system. Once I give students login accounts, students and parents will be able to login and watch a video in my website. In that video, I have explained how to use the online system to submit me homework. Tests will also be organised in the same way.

How could students clear doubts?

  • I will be available online, to clear any doubts every week, at two separate one hour periods (this can be increased/decreased according to demand). Doubts can be cleared over the phone or through a live-video, in which I can explain things on the whiteboard to individual students on a one-to-one basis.
  • Other than these time slots for clearing doubts, students can anytime email me their doubts and I will help them in the best possible way I can.
  • Since I have been teaching in the UK for the last 17 years, from my extensive experience, I know the sort of doubts students will be having during the lessons.
  • Therefore, I usually explain things in my lessons very well covering most of those doubts. As a result, very rarely students come up with doubts during my lessons. Parents can verify this with their children.

Why did I choose pre-recorded video lessons instead of real-time online lessons through Skype or Zoom?

  • I am worried that there could be various problematic issues coming up when several students come together and interact in group lessons through zoom or systems like skype.
  • With pre-recorded video lessons, even if a student doesn’t understand a particular point in the lesson, they can pause the video, take time to think, go backwards in the video and watch it again until the lesson becomes clear.
  • In addition, I will make the videos available again upon request, if a student wants to revise any particular topic.
  • Near the exams, these videos can be very useful for revision.

What will the fees be?

In the current situation, there are several parents whose income has been affected. Considering this, I have reduced my fees by nearly 50%. For Year 10, I will be charging,

  • £8 per week, for those who follow one subject (only Maths or only Physics)
  • £16 per week, for those who follow two subjects (Maths and Physics)

There will be no separate charge for posting worksheets and revision sheets.

If it is difficult for any of the parents to pay this fee due to severe financial difficulties caused by the current situation, please feel free to talk to me. I will teach your child free-of-charge (including the worksheets and revision papers that I will send through post). Please do not allow the current crisis to affect your child’s studies.

Will your child lose the place in my tuition if you do not join?

Your child will not lose the place. I will still keep the place and you may join the lessons again when the situation becomes normal and our usual classroom lessons at our tuition centre restart again. However, it seems that the current lockdown may continue at least until September and therefore I will not be able to cover the topics that your child would have missed in my online lessons. This is simply because there would not be enough time to complete the syllabus.

If you would like to suggest anything more to this plan or if you have any queries, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you.